Treasury operations and transfer pricing

juin 2009
Commission "Fiscalité"

Adhérents : gratuit – Non adhérents : payant - Contenu réservé aux adhérents

This technical guide looks to explain some of the General Principles of Transfer Pricing and links those principles to the treasury operations.

During a year, the European Association of CorporateTreasurers has gathered all national Chapters, especially Belgian, French, UK Associations and allowed the book to have a true European approach. All these associations have come together to propose the first Guide on Treasury Operations and Transfer Pricing for its members. Our objective is twofold:

  • address the transfer pricing issues relating to Treasury operations in a practical manner; and

  • prepare our fellow corporate treasurer members for CFO position in international groups where transfer pricing is of growing importance, by making a bridge between the operations that the Treasurer performs every day and transfer pricing general principles.

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  • Accéder à tous les contenus métier de l’AFTE
  • Bénéficiez de la force du réseau de la communauté des trésoriers et financiers d’entreprise
  • Soutenez l’association qui œuvre pour le développement de la finance d’entreprise