Public consultation on 'Derivatives and market infrastructures

juillet 2010

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The AFTE sends you its comments on the European Commission public consultation on “Derivatives and market infrastructures”. The AFTE is made up of 1,300 members representing the 1,000 largest French firms. It is the oldest association of corporate treasurers in the world, and plays an active role within the European Association of Corporate Treasurers (EACT), of which it has been a founding member.

The AFTE fully supports the European Commission’s focus on strengthening financial stability and welcomes any initiative that can lead to greater market efficiency and transparency...

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  • Accéder à tous les contenus métier de l’AFTE
  • Bénéficiez de la force du réseau de la communauté des trésoriers et financiers d’entreprise
  • Soutenez l’association qui œuvre pour le développement de la finance d’entreprise