Cash pooling & virtual accounts

Mercredi 16 juin 2021
17:00 - 19:00
A distance

Réservé aux adhérents ou membres de la commission organisatrice - Uniquement aux actifs (trésoriers - responsables financiers)


Cashpooling and virtual account management


Are Virtual Accounts a game changer for liquidity management ?
Should they modify or influence Cash pooling structure ?

We'll try to answer those questions based on the following Corporates and Banks experience and feedback :

  • Stefan Windisch, Senior cash manager, Roche (Switzerland)
    Ilaria Calo, Head of cash management sales France, Dirk Kronshage, Global head collection products & Jennifer Saada, Corporate cash management sales, Deutsche Bank


  • Roberto Rossetti, Responsabile treasury and funding, Hera (Italy)
    Federica Scopelliti, Head of cash management sales & Alban Renaudeau d'Arc, Head of cash management France, UniCredit


  • Sabrina Jerome, Global treasury and financing , L'Oréal (France)
    Jan Rottiers, Head of liquidity and account management & Sophie Ryckaert, Payments and receivables marketing products manager, BNP Paribas

With the kind participation of German & Italian associations of Corporate Treasurers